Una Aventura Triangular
This storybook's purpose is to stimulate imagination and creativity in children. Through art, I would like to bring them closer to important topics such as diversity, inclusion, coexistence and math. It is a dynamic and interactive proposal between text, illustrations and pop-up shapes, with a rich graphic and three-dimensional expression that rockets curiosity in little big readers. This work is based on the monumental sculptures exhibition "Dialogue" (showed at Costa Rica's both National Museum and Plaza de la Democracia in 2020), which issued inclusion, coexistence and dialogue as main concepts. In order to make "A TRIANGULAR ADVENTURE" as inclusive as posible, OpenDyslexic font is used to enable reading for children with dyslexia. It also includes two QR codes with the audio books in Spanish and English for visually impaired audiences, as well as pop-up design that displays the figures in third-dimension, supplementing a sensory experience. To the adults. I urge you to enjoy the magical opportunity of reading with children.
Ingrid Rudelman
Una Aventura Triangular
Un continuo golpetear de mazo y gubia, segundo a segundo, minuto a minuto, día a día y así semanas enteras esa es la constante auditiva en la antigua bodega de muebles ahora convertida en el taller de Ingrid Rudelman. Delgada, alta, aparentemente frágil, con voluntad de hierro y una determinación inquebrantable, la artista trastocó no sólo el espacio sino que su quehacer cotidiano. Mazos, cinceles, sierras, mármoles y polvo; polvo perenne del constante pulido de piezas, inunda el escondido taller en un rincón, al lado de un pequeño riachuclo y árboles centenarios. Al igual que Margarita Bertheau, Dinorah Bolandi, Cristina Fournier y José Sancho, Ingrid Rudelmann se refugió para crear en una zona al oeste de San José: Escazú.
Maria Enriquela Guardia Yglesias
Profesora emérita de la Univerdad de Costa Rica